2-1B Surgical Droid (16)Full unit name: 2-1B Surgical Droid
Last updated: 11.07.2024 13:45:10
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Basic info
First appearance: Empire Strikes Back
Empire Strikes Back
Relations: Industrial Automaton
Industrial Automaton
Known Facts (4)
Battle of Hoth (1) »
  • Was among the passengers on board of Bright Hope when it departed from Hoth
Rendezvous on Redemption (2) »
Rebel Briefing (ROTJ) (1) »
2-1B surgical droids, also known as 2-1B medical droids, were advanced medical droids popular across the galaxy to those that could afford them. The 2-1B series was humanoid, with many of its internal components visible through a translucent torso sheath. A 2-1B model's arms featured exceptional joint articulation with precision-crafted servogrip pincers at the end of each limb. Sometimes, in certain operations, these pincers could be removed and replaced with multiple arm attachments containing various medical tools and software packages, including hypodermic injectors and cutting saws. The droid model was highly advanced and intelligent with its programming being further advanced by some of the top physicians in the galaxy at the Rhinnal State Medical Academy, which also integrated heuristic processors. The most useful characteristic of the 2-1B droids was the ease with which owners could update their programming and appendages. A 2-1B droid could easily become a specialist in neurosurgery, podiatry, pediatrics, cybernetic limb replacement, and alien biology with a trip to a certified service center. While advanced, 2-1B droids were generally paired with an FX-series medical assistant droid for medical assistance and detailed patient analysis.


Known sub-models or named units
Known users
Rebel Alliance
Known for serving on the following ships
Known for traveling on the following ships as passengers
Bright Hope
Home One
Known roles
Complete list

Full unit name: 2-1B Surgical Droid Last updated: 11.07.2024 13:45:10